Thursday, 10 October 2013

EFF: A poor version of the ANC under the guise of Socialist Rhetoric?

"All talk to the effect that historical conditions have not 'ripened' for socialism is the product of ignorance or conscious deception. The objective prerequisites for proletarian revolution have not only 'ripened'; they have begun to get somewhat rotten." Leon Trotsky

The overwhelming majority of the oppressed people in South Africa have reached a conclusion that the future of the country depends on the overhaul of the current system but the question troubling all is: "How do we overthrow capitalism? And who is to be trusted, as wolves have appeared in sheep skins before?".

Before we attempt to answer this question, it becomes necessary for us to highlight errors that the popular EFF is beginning to commit. We also wish to highlight that, with the hype and overconfidence amongst those rallying behind the EFF, this article is drafted at the risk of being attacked unnecessarily. The EFF has emerged as the most militant and radical voice of the poor but like an ocean, the EFF contains healthy and poisonous elements in it. The ambitious elites isolated from the ANC have been disappointed by COPE and their hope has been renewed but like we said - it also contain healthy elements - the EFF has attracted the youth and ordinary workers who have declared war with the State. This character has left many comrades mumbling and not knowing what approach should be given towards the EFF as any form of antagonism might popularize you amongst the united force that has recently painted the country red. Many socialist organizations have actually opted to joining this Titanic that carries everyone but the only crisis is that the EFF is beginning to reveal its true colours and its class character now. The EFF has publicly announced that 'it want to discontinue private ownership but willing to look at 60% state owned and 40% private ownership at an initial stage'. This is an intention to manage capitalist interests better than the ANC does, but will ultimately result in disaster as unions and workers organizations will be smashed to promote capitalist development.

Section/Clause 31 of the EFF Manifesto proposes 'the right of all people to trade and manufacture'. Who is the EFF referring to by 'People'? Is this not a room to accommodate capitalism as capitalists are not animals? Least we forget that it is the right of every South Africa citizen to access to education but because of the existing capitalist institutions and structures; such a right only exist in the homes of the Rich. The deliberate omission of working class in the Manifesto is an indication that the EFF doesn't fight for a social transformation of the society but theirs is to maintain and manage the capitalist institutions. Even if the EFF may argue that it stands for socialism - theirs will be a stageist theory that believes the cooperation with capitalism is necessary and class antagonism can be minimized.

By adopting the ANC YL Nationalization Policy that advocated for 60/40 ownership of Mines, the EFF is exposing its class character as a petite-bourgeois organization. The adoption of Two-Stage Theory is another indication that the EFF still suffers the Tripartite-Alliance Syndrome of National Democratic Revolution program and has therefore become a poor imitation of the ANC. Postponing socialism by kneeling before NDR the organization has adopted a position to undermine the power of the working class. We now expect the first stage after the failed one under the 20 years of class apartheid. The Mixed economy and Market Socialism are right wing and revisionist theories! We must caution those wearing the Red beret that such might turn into the most poisonous snake on their head if the proposed policies are to be implemented.

In attempting to answer the 'How and by who?' question, our answer will be Permanent Revolution. Every fight to end poverty, increase human rights or achieve national liberation requires the leadership of the working class and socialism in order to have a lasting success. Murry Weiss summarized Permanent Revolution as 'a process of worldwide, uninterrupted and uninterruptible struggle of all oppressed people, led by the proletariat, for economic, social and political liberation.' Workers in their own right are the force capable of overthrowing capitalism not a Messiah or any Commander!

Our Proposed Way Forward:

- an immediate call for the Conference of the Left to unite the fragmented left in South Africa and build a Revolutionary Party that'll base itself mainly on the working class because of the leading role this class must play. The Conference must be used as a platform to formulate and adopt the Programme (socialist) of the party.
- The conference must strongly highlight that it is not sufficient to simply proclaim ourselves in favour of revolution to be a revolutionary party. This is necessary to distinguish this party from a 'centrist' party that'll only sound revolutionary in speeches and analysis but when it comes to decisive moments in struggle, would switch to reformist position and fail to take the struggle forward.

- We call upon Workers and Socialist Party to forward an appeal letter to the rank and file membership of COSATU, AMCU, and other community and workers organizations to discuss and adopt a call for the Conference. The call must be made publicly and delegation should be forwarded in time from participating organizations to avoid poor organization and other movements crying foul over the process. EFF should be invited to avoid a situation wherein this revolutionary step towards uniting the left will be interpreted as a hostile act calculated to destabilize EFF. The militancy and courage amongst ordinary and innocent membership is very inspiring and courageous, but we need to direct this militancy against capitalism not merely creating a competitive condition between the Old and New ANC. It is the wine that we hate, not the bottle!

In Conclusion, we wish to indicate that the courage and fighting spirit displayed by NUMSA and AMCU membership over the past weeks and months has inspired us a lot. But running within the circles of capitalism must come to an end; the ANC and DA have been defending the interests of Imperialists. In Marx's words, 1850: "Even when there is no prospect whatsoever of their being elected, the workers must put up their own candidates in order to preserve their independence, to count their forces, and to bring before the public their revolutionary attitude and party standpoints... The ultimate advance which the proletarian party is bound to make by such independent action is indefinitely more important than the disadvantage that might be incurred by the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body.

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