Tuesday, 3 December 2013

NACTU President and Secretary must step down!

A call to all Nactu affiliates and members to recall Narius Moloto (The General Secretary) and Joseph Maqhekeni (The President)

For the past few months/weeks, Media, Analysts and Comrades have said a lot about Cosatu and we've been reading many articles on it but what we should be asking ourselves is: Why is Nactu absent from many analyses?

This Federation is led by Millionaires and blood suckers who enjoy the subscriptions of workers yet welcoming every decision by The Capitalist State. Narius Moloto (NACTU Boss) must be exposed! These are people who should be under-going lifestyle audits. They own mansions and drive German (Luxury) cars yet you’ll hardly hear their view on e-Toll or Retrenchments. 

Workers must either take-over NACTU and lead it or just dump it and form a Socialist Workers Federation. Narius Moloto is the former Chairman of Ceta (Construction Education and Training Authority) who was embroiled in the harsh report by deloitte which, amongst other things, included bad management, lack of financial controls, incredibly high personnel turnover and sexual harassment complaints. His son benefited from Ceta Bursary Scheme while his performance was very questionable and the father (Narius) didn’t disclose relations with the son. It is expected of the man who used to direct tax payers monies to his family, to therefor remain silent on workers issues because his secrets are known to the state and he wouldn’t want to be exposed.

The President of Nactu, Joseph Maqhekeni, must give an account of the shares (worth R79.18 Million) bought by Nactu Investment Holding Inzalo (Pty) Ltd, that disappeared into his own hands and pockets. The forensic investigation, conducted by D&K Management Consultants revealed that they used SACWU (Nactu Affiliate) to buy Sasol Shares but later on claimed that the shares belong to them (him and other Nactu Cadres, amongst others the former President of BCAWU).  This man is the Director of WIZZIT Payments and WIZZIT International Bank!

  • Narius Moloto and Joseph Maqhakeni must recalled as soon as NOW, before they sell another soul to the capitalists!

The recent most radical unions, AMCU and NTM, have affiliated to Nactu and it must be stated that workers left Cosatu because of the elitism and super-man tendencies emerging in the federation but this shouldn’t mean that the devil in the dark is better than the visible one. We must encourage workers to call for Nactu Special Congress and get rid of the Mafias! BCAWU and all other Nactu affiliates must be worker controlled.

In conclusion we call for:
  •  Nactu members to recall Narius Moloto, Joseph Maqhekeni and other aspiring bourgeoisie!
  • Isolate and expose the class character of the ANC-led Government by uniting Cosatu and Nactu. The ongoing competition between the two benefits the Mine Bosses and Union Autocrats. Bosses encourage competition amongst workers. It is the role of revolutionaries to unite and defend workers!
  • Union democracy and shop-floor representation as a means of mobilizing the real power of the unions--their rank and file.
  • Building a layer of militants in various workplaces who are capable of linking together workers in different industries and struggle-so they can move from separate battles toward class-wide confrontations and, ultimately, to challenge the system as a whole. e-Tolls and Labour Broking and Minimum wage for workers should be the first stone to turn!

Get rid of Millionaires who have turned Unions into their own Private Companies! Defend the democracy of unions!

“It is very essential to organize workers and help them to fight for their day-to-day demands. Because it is only in the course of these fights that the workers learn about the system of capitalist exploitation and the need to abolish it. Trade union struggles are necessary to educate the workers. What is wrong is to stop at that stage, limiting ourselves always to trade union struggles.”

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